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FRANCE – Starting in 1923 after most post-war reconstruction for France took place, the Le Mans is a twenty four-hour race which is meant to be an endurance test for cars as well as their drivers. Over the course of a hundred years, many advancements were made in the cars participating in the Le Mans. This led to more competition and more safety measures being put into place.
Le Mans is the most renown race in all the world. The winners of the race not only get money and a watch, their reputation is boosted allowing them to join whatever racing team they desire. With 8.5 miles of tarmac to conquer, the track is extremely long which allows many spectators to watch at once. The Le Mans has an average number of 250,000 spectators that watch the race in person with 113 million viewers watching online last year.
The Le Mans is the most famous race and it deserves that title. Many technological advancements in engineering have been made through testing cars in the Le Mans and it goes to show how far more advanced this race gets each year. The Le Mans is proven to be evidence of the spirit of human perseverance and innovation and how it will survive no matter the costs.