JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – As Jupiter Christian grows, new ideas come in to make the school even better. The junior class has brought in so many new ideas to make their senior year next year great.
They have worked hard and thought of many amazing things to build a better school and community here at Jupiter Christian. One thing they have decided to do is an on campus coffee shop. So many kids are late to school every day just to get their coffee. The junior class decided to fix this issue by making a coffee shop here at JCS. Every day the students will have fresh, affordable, and specialized drinks for every student. According to Colton Schulz, “The coffee shop, ‘700 South’, is going to be great.” Another cool thing that will be happening is JCS merch. “We will have a full blown merch store next year!” says Mr. Dickens. From personalized JCS ‘Lululemon’ to ‘Divine Savior’, the fits next year will be fantastic.
The students at Jupiter Christian School love coming together during break and lunch to fellowship and eat good foods. There’s no greater way to unite a student body than with food. Not only is the coffee shop going to bring in great food next year, but the cafeteria and vending machines will be packed full of goodies. Next year, the school has decided to step up their food game. From Crumbl Cookies to breakfast treats, there will be so many yummy foods to bless your cravings. With a full cafeteria and a full vending machine, no one will go hungry. Another change will be block scheduled days. Wednesday and Thursday will be the block days and Monday, Tuesday, and Friday will have all classes.
This will be very different from what everyone is used to, but in the end, it is a very good idea and will allow students to learn more and not feel rushed through their day.