Ben Weda
CALVARY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY – Track and Field is a great sport, don’t get me wrong, but the Regional meet this year made even me question the sport.
For me, the day started like normal, being released from school at 2:00 pm, and arriving at the meet around 3:30. Running events weren’t meant to start until 4:00, and my only race of the day was scheduled for 9:45. Everyone on the team was having a good time hanging out and seeing old friends from other teams, but the meet started to run behind. By the time my teammates and I were meant to go to our race, we realized that the meet was at least an hour behind schedule. At 10:30, we were finally called for our race, and we ended up sitting around for even longer after checking in while we waited for prior races to be run. We finally ran at 12:00 am. Somehow, I still ran well, even though I had been waiting around for so long. When I finally got home at 1:30, I was extremely tired but still had homework, in the end, I didn’t get to bed until 3 am.