Addie Hamilton 7th grade
If you haven’t met Adoniram Hamilton, a 7th grade student at Jupiter Christian School, you will definitely want to get to know him before he graduates in 2030. He goes by the nicknames Addie and Little Niram.
Addie lives in West Palm Beach with his mom, dad and two sisters. Addie’s two sisters are in 6th grade and 9th grade. Addie’s sisters go to school at home so that they can compete as competitive gymnasts. They go to gymnastic practice for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. Addie says, “One thing I loves to do is annoy my sisters when I am bored.” Addie’s dad is Mr. Hamilton, the Dean of the Middle School at Jupiter Christian School. His mom works at Urban Youth Impact. Addie also has an English Labrador who is 2 years old.
Addie enjoys many sports and has participated in basketball, football, lacrosse, and wrestling, but Muay Thai and baseball are his favorite sports to play. Addie loves the beach and anything to do with water. His favorite thing to do at school is play spike ball during break and lunch. Addie’s favorite thing to do outside of school is play video games and build legos. Addie also loves to watch sports. His favorite sports teams are the Bengals and The Reds.
Addie loves to travel. His family often travels to visit their extended family. His mom’s side of the family lives in Ohio and his dad’s side of the family lives in Maryland and Virginia. He said his coolest trip was when he went to Haiti for a mission trip with his dad. Addie said, “I feel blessed to have a good home, school, electricity, food and water that they don’t have in Haiti.”
An interesting fact about Addie is that he loves to ride rollercoasters. He has ridden all of the roller coasters at Kings Island, Hershey Park, Universal and Busch Gardens. Addie hopes to go to more theme parks to try more rides.
Addie volunteers at Bow Down Church, helping lead the 4th and 5th grade Sunday School class. He likes to help teach the younger kids about the Bible. Addie’s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 2:13, which says, “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” Addie said that to him, this Bible verse means God will have his way with you.
As you can see, Addie is a great person who loves his family, traveling, sports, roller coasters, and serving God. If you are looking for a good friend, Addie is the person you want to meet.