JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – When it comes to good advice, we need real, truthful information that can help us grow and strive. The best place to get advice is the Bible.
Time after time, when we are faced with situations that question our decisions, we can trust in the Bible for our answers. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.” The Bible gives us a clear description of how to live like Jesus to ensure that we can live an eternal life with Him.
Another way to get practical advice is to read the required reading for ninth graders this year at JCS. The summer reading was 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Stephen Covey. One of my favorite habits listed and one that I find most useful is #3 “Putting first things first.” This habit reminds us to put the most important things first like schoolwork, homework, and studying for tests. Freshman, Kara DeNooyer said the best piece of advice she received was to do her homework right when she gets home. She says, “Get your priorities straight and know what matters to you. Figure out what is most important.” Kara has missed school for dance, on many occasions, but has always made up the work. Kara also says, “My favorite way to study is note cards because they keep me organized and by the time the test comes, if you have been studying, you will have memorized it.”
Another resource for advice is Jupiter Christian’s wonderful guidance office. The guidance counselors are always available to help us! They receive an email every Monday from the registrar with those students struggling in classes. Those with a D or F are contacted and a meeting is usually arranged to set a plan in place for success!
When it comes to good advice run to the Bible and “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken” 1 Peter 5:7.