JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – As Jupiter Christian School’s winter season comes to an end, and we enter spring, not only do sports begin but so does the school’s spring musical.
This year’s spring musical is Into the Woods Jr., with a cast consisting of kids from 6th grade to 12th grade all wanting to participate and show their talent on stage. While the musical is still some ways away, the auditions were last week and rehearsals have already begun. Both the students and the lead teacher, Ms. Sust, are hoping to have an amazing performance this year that tops past years. Paula Fabrega, a junior who has been in several plays for the school in the past, said, “I love participating in the theater with all my friends!”
In the past few years, the school’s musicals and plays have had much more involvement with boys and have had much less involvement with high schoolers. However, this year that has changed. The cast needed to have several boys so that left the teachers searching for more, and luckily, they got several interested and talented ones like senior Joshua Bloomfield. He said, “Last year was my first year and I really enjoyed being in the spring play, so I did it again for my senior year.” He is also a good example of the multiple high schoolers who were all excited and willing to join the play and add to their talents.
This year’s musical, Into the Woods, is sure to be an amazing show and many of the students are excited. They are grateful to have an opportunity to have fun with their friends and participate in this play. With so many main roles, and so many involved students, the musical is sure to be amazing and the students hope to attract a big crowd to come and watch each night.