JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL — In the 2025-2026 school year, Jupiter Christian School will implement a late start schedule every day. School days will no longer begin at 7:50 a.m. but at 8:30 a.m. One student, Cora Winslow, was interviewed about her opinions on the overall impacts of a late start schedule.
When asked about her initial thoughts when hearing about a full late-start schedule, Cora responded, “I had positive and negative thoughts. I appreciate the extra time in the morning, but I also think about how this will logistically work out.” Cora went on to explain that she is fond of the idea of a late start alone but questions the overall arrangement of her schedule if a block schedule were also to be added.
Cora highlights that a block schedule being intertwined into the day may cause complications such as an imbalance in the amount of time dedicated to each class each week, as there are only five school days. However, Cora described that the block schedule allows for more time dedicated to homework but possibly less time in the classroom. But Cora, having a positive mindset, explained that having shorter class periods might drive students and teachers to stay focused on subjects and work harder to complete work.
When asked how a late start schedule would affect Cora, she responded, “I do think that a late start would be beneficial for my schedule. But on the other hand, for parents, it is hard to be able to drop their kids off at 8:00 because of their jobs.” Cora also highlights that starting the school day later also pushes the ending time later. This could affect how late sports practices end and how much time students will have for homework after school. Cora expresses that, “I won’t have as much time for after-school activities.” Cora continued to express that though she might not have as much time in the afternoon, the time she has to get ready for school in the morning lengthens.
Cora summarized her thoughts about a late start schedule: “I like the idea of sleeping in and having more time in the morning…I’m not a huge fan of the idea of lengthening the day at the end…but overall I think it is a great idea.”