JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Our high school students experienced a life changing experience throughout their time during Spiritual Emphasis Week.
Spiritual Emphasis Week is a time for students to spend their time focusing on Christ for a period of three days. During Spiritual Emphasis Week, the speaker Jordan Arcé really helped the students find their relationship with God and connect with Him. Josi’ah Joseph, currently an 11th grader, shared his personal thoughts about Spiritual Emphasis Week.
While attending SEW Joseph really liked how Jordan used visuals to connect with the audience. For example, Jordan took a student and had him close his eyes while Jordan was right by his side giving him instructions. This shows how God is always right by our side leading us down the right path.
“Spiritual Emphasis Week helped me connect with God because I think the majority of us feel guilty for not reading our Bible every day or praying frequently, and ever since that, I have been reading my Bible every day and praying,” says Joseph.
The connection that the students made with God during Spiritual Emphasis Week made a huge impact on their lives. A change that Joseph would make about Spiritual Emphasis Week would be the requirement of note-taking. He feels as though it’s like homework and we are not really paying attention to the speaker.
“Spiritual Emphasis Week impacted me because it helped me focus on God more and prioritize Him more than I usually do,” says Joseph. Spiritual Emphasis Week really showed the high school students that Jesus is with us.
“I liked that Jordan was young, his style, and how cool of a person he was because of his age,” says Joseph.
Jordan Arcé was an inspiration to our students. He was able to connect with the students on every level. He was a great person to lead the week with each message he gave.
Spiritual Emphasis Week is still impacting Joseph today by encouraging him to read his Bible every day and continue to read it because of this week. He feels a better connection with God now than he did at the beginning of the year.
In the future, Joseph hopes to see a younger speaker again and a better way to show off the rocks that students were given. Compared to the other chapels Joseph really enjoyed the song choices and how there were different varieties of music. Joseph would say about Spiritual Emphasis Week that it is an emphasis on your relationship with God.
Overall, Spiritual Emphasis Week was a life changer for our JCS family.