JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – This month was “Student Takeover Month” at Jupiter Christian School.
Student Takeover Month (STM) is when students lead the chapels and messages for the month. The most recent chapel was led by two seniors here at JCS, Audrey Hessel and Bella Marburger. Kylie Martin spoke the previous week. They taught incredible messages about on how words can build people up or tear them down. Watching students lead and participate in STM is very inspiring because it is visible that they are walking confidently and boldly in their faith. Audrey shared her experience as a leader of STM and the process that goes along with it.
Students often dismiss the behind the scenes work put into preparing chapel for the week. Audrey stated, “Last year’s Student Takeover Month theme was Walk the Walk, which gave us the idea for Talk the Talk, a message about slander and using words to uplift others.” This decision was not an easy decision, because they had to find a way to make sure chapel was not a repeat of last year. The spiritual prefects involved with STM volunteered many hours to the development of ideas and messages, to make sure that these chapels would be just right. “I re-did my message three times before I felt at peace with it,” stated Audrey. She put thought into every word and every connection in this message. Audrey and all of the other spiritual prefects put deep thought behind what they were saying so that they could share exactly what God had put on their heart.
Audrey had the aspiration to be a spiritual prefect, allowing her to take part in STM. Audrey mentioned in her interview, “I remember hearing the spiritual prefects and I realized that they were who I wanted to be.” Once Audrey became a spiritual prefect, she then had to carry out the title. She did not want to take this position lightly. She wanted to make impacts and be the role model she looked up to. When STM rolled around, she was determined to do her absolute best to carry out her label. She also mentioned, “One of the things that comes along with this role is the planning of things and behind the scenes work.” Spiritual prefects are constantly working to improve the spiritual life here at Jupiter Christian. They did behind the scenes work at the Easter Chapel and Christmas Chapel. Audrey and the other spiritual prefects live up to their titles, carrying out this role to impact the lives of the students of JCS.
Finally, Audrey believes that Student Takeover Month has great impact on the lives of the students. This time allows for students at JCS to hear from their classmates and people in their age group. “It can be refreshing to hear that everyone goes through struggles, not just adults, ” stated Audrey. Students often hear the messages from the adults and pastors here at JCS. Although these messages are amazing, students are not able to fully relate because of the different stages of life. When students are the ones speaking, sharing their story, other students can automatically relate and can feel comfort that they are not alone with these struggles. Audrey shared, “When we hear another student going through something we have been through, it can click.” There is something special about hearing a message that resonates with the listener. Relating to the message and to the speaker can make the listener intrigued and compelled to dive deeper in their faith. Audrey chose a message that many people in her audience could relate to and it showed them that God has worked in her life, and he will work in theirs too.
Student Takeover Month was a great time to dive deeper in faith, by hearing messages from students at Jupiter Christian. Audrey Hessel, Bella Marburger, and Kylie Martin taught incredible messages about slander and how words can build people up or tear them down. May all the students at JCS take their words to heart.