Naomi Kellum is a student a JCS. She just moved to the school at the beginning of the year so it is her first year. She is going to be graduating in 2030. She was born and lived in North Carolina for about 9 years and then moved to Florida. Naomi loves to visit North Carolina.
She loves playing volleyball and is planning on trying out for the JCS team! When she was younger she played basketball. She loves to get her nails done and her favorite color is blue. She also has a dog. He is a labradoodle and his name is Charlie. In her spare time she loves to hang out with him.
She loves cheering for any kind of North Carolina teams and will be rooting for them. Naomi loves helping people that are in need. For example, she has a friend with cancer and cares a lot for her. Naomi’s favorite Bible verse is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Some interesting facts about Naomi are she loves taking care of animals, doing art, and getting closer to God.