JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Thursday, August 29 was the House Reveal at Jupiter Christian School.
Every year at JCS all the middle schoolers get sorted into houses. There are four houses, Agape, Justelion, Humilitas, and Veritas. Each of the houses have a meaning and a Bible verse. Agape is love and the verse is, “Love one another… ” John 13:34. Justelion is justice and the verse is, “Blessed are those who act justly…” Psalms 106:3. Humilitas is humility and the verse is, “Humble yourselves before the Lord…” James 4:10. And lastly Veritas is truth and the verse is, “Walk in the Lord’s truth…” Psalms 86:11.
Everyone gets sorted into the houses via homeroom and therefore the houses have a variation of grades in each one. I had the pleasure of interviewing Kylee Rankin (8th grade) and Davey Mize (5th grade) this week about the House Reveal. Kylee is in House Leadership and Davey says he can see himself joining in the future.
Davey says that he is, “Very excited for the House Battles” and that he is most excited for the games. Davey hoped to get into the same house as his sister, Maylee Mize (8th Grade), but unfortunately they got into different houses. (Maylee in Veritas and Davey in Humilitas).
This year is Kylee’s second year at JCS and her first year in House Leadership. Last year Kylee was in Justelion, and she is in Veritas this year. Kylee says that Justelion is her favorite house she’s been in so far (even if it’s the only house she’s been in yet). Kylee says that her favorite part of Justelion was, “Winning the House Battles, even though we didn’t win over all.” She says that her favorite part of being in House leadership is, “Getting behind the scenes of all the work that goes into the houses.”
In conclusion, the House Reveal is an exciting part of the beginning of the year that leads to fun House Battles with your house. The houses are a fun thing about JCS that not a lot of others schools have. Not to mention it’s unique to middle schoolers so it’s something to look forward to for future middle schoolers and something to remember and miss when you move along to high school.