JUPITER CHRISTIAN – In Pre-Ap Honors American Literature, Mrs. Malone gave a very interesting and engaging assignment.
We were asked to write a research paper about a problem that we feel strongly about. Mrs. Malone said in an interview that if she had to pick a topic, she would pick something about health and keeping good nutrition as she mentioned it is something she has struggled with in the past. Presenting our research papers can enhance many skills for students. One of these is that it helps students become more confident speaking to a crowd, according to Mrs. Malone.
There are also traits that someone can have prior to presenting that can also be beneficial. One way that someone can be a good presenter is using their strengths, “…whether it’s a technology strength or a content strength, relying on that and doing the best you can…” says Mrs. Malone while expressing ways that presenters can use their strengths to better their presentation skills.
Over the span of a month (Mid-January to Mid-February), the research papers have been worked on and edited to be the best versions they can be. Mrs. Malone decided to assign the paper and partnering presentation when she did because it seemed to be the perfect time of the year. Students had been taught enough about writing that they could write an efficient paper and this time period, due to just finishing Winter Break, seemed to be the perfect most productive time for students.
The best advice that Mrs. Malone can give when writing a research paper is to have a good and engaging research base as a start. This is important because it essentially sets the stage for the whole paper. Having a good start to a research paper also relates to the topic, if a writer is interested in the topic, more effort will be put in.
That is why it is important to write about a topic that is important to you so it can be engaging and passionate. This is why Mrs. Malone allowed students to pick their own topic, setting the stage for the paper and making it the beneficial project that it was!