JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Mrs. Mary Kaye Hagenbuch had a miracle that happened to her and her husband.
There are many qualified and great teachers at JCS but one teacher, in particular, stands out and is widely respected and recognized for her years of service and teaching ability. As I sat beside Mrs. Hagenbuch in the JCS Library on September 27, I couldn’t think of a better person to interview about her relationship with God and the miracles in her life. She is a role model who really makes a difference. She has a solid faith in God and her teachings have made a positive impact on many JCS students.
I began the interview asking if Mrs. Hagenbuch had ever experienced a miracle. She explained that she was at a prayer meeting with her husband and the Bible study was about God healing people. They were praying for different people in the group and Mr. Hagenbuch received healing during that prayer. Mr. Hagenbuch had been suffering for fifteen years. She explained, “It was an amazing and exhilarating feeling to have that burden of pain lifted and feeling free, and I’m amazed with how God cares for his people and receiving that gift of healing was everything.”
I was curious to know if that miracle brought her closer to God. She prays for others with expectation and certainty. She is close to God and knows his presence is there even when you do not receive immediate healing. I asked her how that miracle impacted her life for the better, and she responded by telling me that her family life is much easier. They are enjoying their time together outdoors as a family and surfing together. She said, “There is a joy from being delivered from pain so even though it wasn’t my own healing, being able to share a pain free life with my husband is a wonderful thing for our family.”
She explained that her relationship with God is a constant conversation now because if God can perform a big miracle like delivering her husband from so much suffering, then He is listening to the little things and everything in between.
Mrs. Hagenbuch explained, “I know that He hears our prayers, He thinks about what we’re feeling and thinking at every given moment, and I can pray through those moments in a constant conversation.”
She went on to explain that people can spend their time placing their hope in other things. She said that she could not really do anything to relieve her husband’s pain. She could have put her hope in surgery after surgery but after numerous surgeries, and different medicines, they caused more harm than help. “That could lead to different kinds of hopelessness and suffering but if you put your hope in God, who has the power to heal, that’s a sure foundation,” said Mrs. Hagenbuch.
Mrs. Hagenbuch said that healing is just one of the many promises from God. She explained that some other promises are that He will always be with you and never leave you, he will not forsake you, you will walk in the light and have a burden that is light and not heavy.
Lastly, I asked her what she considered to be the greatest miracle in the Bible. She said, “Raising Christ from the dead so you have forgiveness of sins, resurrection from the dead, and life everlasting.” Miracles happen every day, and we are blessed to have someone like Mrs. Hagenbuch to learn from. God will continue to be there for us and will be with us through tough times. Every moment is a miracle. “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Luke 18:27).