JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Seeing God’s work throughout our school, there is no doubt that He is what connects this community together.
Being able teach and spread His word through everyday classes is what resonates His voice through our interactions with others. Many teachers have taken this up as an opportunity to encourage students to deepen their relationship with God.
One such teacher is Dr. Caroline Vizcaya who strives to work science into the Bible in the hopes of students establishing a clear perspective of who God is and what He has shaped His creation to be. As Dr. Vizcaya says, “If a student has a basic understanding of who God is, then what I teach about the Bible is significant and they can really put it together.” Providing that foundation to the student’s relationship with God is an important step that is needed to understand these subjects from a biblical point of view.
Teaching about God’s work lets students see the beauty in His creation and how everything connects to their relationship with Him. As Dr. Vizcaya says, “My message reaches everyone in a different way” in which she explains how she covers topics from a secular point of view and then compares them to what the Bible says, so that the students have a form of guidance for the way they choose to go.
But no matter at what level the student’s faith is, her message will make the student realize where they want to lead their lives through God in the future. Dr. Vizcaya explains, “The Bible and science go hand in hand.” Science and everything else was already in the Bible, which she uses to teach about our Creator while at the same time providing an understanding of the science that is presented to us.
Dr. Vizcaya is just one of the many great examples when it comes to connecting the Bible to everyday subjects that we learn about here at JCS. Our faculty and teachers truly have a great opportunity to lead the students down the right path through their relationship with Jesus.