Over the 60 years of Jupiter Christian, the Lord has blessed us in so many ways. One event the sticks out to me and still brings me to tears is the outpouring of love and support from Christian schools around the country. The date was the fall of 2004. Two hurricanes had damaged the original building that housed the Elementary classes. Damage required everything in the building to be thrown out, even the teachers’ precious classroom libraries.
The NHS got to work and sent letters to Christian schools all around the U.S. Within a week, boxes started being delivered, boxes filled with children’s books. By the time the last box arrived, we had 1500-2000 books to share with the teachers to restart their libraries. God’s blessing, most definitely. The coming together of God’s people, absolutely.
I still get tears thinking about the hurricanes and the generosity of so many. I still laugh at one incident. One day I saw that UPS was making a delivery to the house…where we had the office. I walked up to the gentlemen, said “Hello” and asked if there was a box for Diana Williams. He looked at me, well maybe it was more of a glare…and said yes, 15 or 20! God is GOOD!