JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – With the new remodel of the JCS weight room, students have been eager to go and try it out.
The weight room brings brand new equipment and weights all marked with the JCS emblem on them along with many new additions. With the improvement to equipment, the ATC also received an entirely better look. As you enter, you can see new walls, floors, and decor throughout the space. The weight room as a whole has never looked this good.
The ATC over time is going to get more equipment and additions to improve it even more. As a member on the Jupiter Christian School Varsity Football team, I have become very familiar with the ATC. Jupiter Christian athletic teams, especially football, are in the weight room after school multiple times a week. Our school has been utilizing the weight room as much as possible to improve our teams and bonds between players.
For football we work out four times a week. All athletic workouts are led by Jupiter Christian Dean and Coach Adam Dickens. Our workouts consist of four stations with two workouts in each station. The players split into groups of three and begin going through each station’s workout until told to go to the next station by Coach Dickens. After every workout we spread out on the floor and pray to God. Coach Dickens states that since we are a Christian school we should improve physically, mentally, and additionally spiritually.
One more feature that our weight room has added is a sort of ranking system. In the rankings, there are three different tiers. The lowest tier is a gray shirt. This is for anyone who shows up to most workouts and works out. Next it is the white shirts. White shirts maybe miss one or two workouts, and they are a leader in the weight room. The highest rank is a black shirt. Black shirts miss no workouts and are the top guys in the ATC. They are leaders and set the tone.
With all the new changes going on in the weight room, it is hard to imagine what other improvements will be brought in later.