Verse of the Week
  • "In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

Captain’s Log: Track and Field


JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – “Don’t let what other people say influence how you run. Just go out there and run for Jesus. Do your best and know that you finished through the line.” ~Joe Licata, Class of 2026

Joe Licata has been running Track since 5th grade at his old school, Boca Christian, where he joined because he was always the fastest at recess and just wanted to try the sport. When Joe came to JCS, he started Track and Field in 7th grade, making this year his fifth season as a Track athlete. Schoolwork may be hard to balance with sports for some, but as a multisport athlete, Joe explains that he has no trouble prioritizing and finishing his work on time. Joe believes that one of the biggest obstacles in his Track and Field career has been pressure from overthinking, explaining that when he pushes past the pain he can overcome any mental barrier and achieve his goals.

Goals are important in Track and Field, as every athlete is competing against themselves rather than just their opponents. Joe’s goals this year include winning the state championship in his favorite event, the 400-meter dash. He explains that one thing that motivates him is his wish to glorify God in everything he does.

Joe Licata is one of the team captains on the JCS Track team this year, being one of very few veteran runners on the small team. Joe leads warmups and stretches at Track practice and meets, as well as sometimes providing advice to his younger teammates. When asked what advice he had for his teammates, Licata said that they need to work on being more locked in at practice. Says Licata, “Don’t stop when you’re tired; stop when you’re done.”

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Joe currently holds three school records in the 400m, 800m, and high jump. He is also on track to break another school record soon in the 200m, where he is only a tenth of a second away from stealing his fourth school record. Joe plans to pursue Track and maybe Football in college and is thankful for all the work his coaches put in to help him get better.

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About the Contributor
Ben Weda
Class of 2026 Student Journalist
Ben Weda has been a student at Jupiter Christian School for 10 years and is a journalist for Jupiter Christian’s newspaper ‘The Beak." Over the years, Ben’s friends have given him many nicknames, ‘Big Ben’ being the one that really stuck over the years. Ben plans on graduating in 2026 and would like to attend a Christian college. He will most likely pursue a career in law enforcement or engineering. Ben was born and raised in Florida and has never moved out of the state. Over the past 3 years, Ben has become involved in Track and Field, Cross Country, Football, and Wrestling, and enjoys doing sports year-round. Outside of school, he enjoys working out, reading and eating good food. So far, Ben’s favorite travel destination has been his grandparents' home deep in the mountains of North Carolina, which he has been visiting since the age of 3. Ben has several chickens, as well as a white and grey cat named Oliver Twist. Ben volunteers at his school during chapel helping to run the audio-visual equipment as well as setting up and tearing down chapel. His favorite Bible verse is Psalms 121:1-4, "I lift my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."
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