Verse of the Week
  • "In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

Annie Jr. – The Musical

A Show That “Shines Like The Top of The Chrysler Building”

GENERATION CHURCH – On Friday April 19th and Saturday April 20th, Jupiter Christian presented the musical Annie Jr. This musical is a story of redemption and adoption which was enjoyed by many audience members.

In this show, Annie (Sis Dennis and Zoe Gephart), lives in an orphanage owned by the evil and drunk Ms. Hannigan (Kylie Martin). Then one life changing day, Annie is a part of a publicity stunt by the billionaire Oliver Warbucks (Joshua Joseph). Eventually, Warbucks begins to love Annie and after lies and adversity try to pull them apart, Warbucks decides to adopt her and expose Ms. Hannigan.

The director of this musical was Ms. Sust, the theatre teacher from Jupiter Christian. Annie was the first show she ever watched when she was younger. Annie is also the name of her sister, and now Annie Jr. is the first show she ever directed, making it a monumental moment for her career.

Starting in January, the whole cast worked hard every week to make the show the best that it could be. From 3:00-5:30, they worked on blocking, music with Zeth Marra, and choreography with Jessie McCoy, till every part was complete and ready for tech week.

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Tech week took place at Generation Church alongside their helpful staff which included Shannon Boyer and Aaron Schwindt who both helped with sound, lighting, and graphics. These aspects enhanced the performance visually and added so much to the show. During this week, the cast had to adjust to a new space and perfect the show the best that they could. AJ Caldwell and Erica Herrera assisted backstage, while Adel Roscoe helped with costumes and makeup, and Mrs. Hoffman kept everyone organized.

On opening day of the show, nerves and excitement built up as the cast and crew got ready. Finally, it was time to perform and as the lights shined, every single performer shined as well, ending in a beautiful performance, a happy audience, and a show to be remembered.


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About the Contributor
Kylie Martin
Kylie Martin, Senior Section Coordinator
High School Yearbook Staff Senior Section Coordinator Class of 2024 [email protected] Kylie Martin is a senior at Jupiter Christian School, graduating in May. Kylie Martin was born in North Carolina, moved when she was six, calling Florida her home ever since. Kylie came to JCS her ninth grade year and has been involved in golf, soccer, theatre, worship, and more during her time here. Outside of school Kylie enjoys the outdoors and loves going to the beach and hiking. Her favorite place to travel is to national parks including Zion and Glacier. Kylie is passionate about her faith, being involved in worship, and spiritual life leadership while at JCS. Moving into college she will continue to carry this value of faith and aim to be a light for Jesus everywhere she goes. 
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