Verse of the Week
  • "In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

Varsity Football Max Week


JUPITER CHRISTIAN – Max Week for the Jupiter Christian Varsity Football team began on April 22, 2024 and lasted until April 25, 2024. During Max Week, the team participates in a series of different workouts in the weight room to determine the amount of weight each person can do for one rep. The exercises that the team maxed out on were benching, squatting, power cleaning, pull ups, and the 40 yard dash.

On Monday, each member of the team was given three tries to obtain their max on bench. Each time, the person benching would increase the weight if they hadn’t failed yet or stop benching if they had already failed. While someone was benching, a spotter was always present to help them in case they failed. Upon failing a rep, one’s max weight was determined for that exercise and they were finished. Each day took about 45 minutes for everyone to achieve their max on that workout.

Tuesday was Squat Day and was structured the same as Bench Day, however, people were able to get more weight up on squat than on bench. Again, once someone failed on a squat, their squat max was determined and they were done squatting for the day.

On Wednesday, each person was to perform power cleans and discover what their max is. This was the most difficult day as most of the players were new to performing power cleans. As a result, the maxes for power cleans were fairly low, but everyone performed with great form and effort.

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The final day was the max for pull ups where everyone grabbed the bar and did as many pull ups as they could. The numbers for pull ups on this day were fairly low due to the lack of experience with pull ups that the football team has. However, on the same day, the team was able to find out what their 40 yard dash is and many players were satisfied with their results.

Overall, max week was very beneficial for the players, as it gave them a gauge of where they are at with weight in each exercise.

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About the Contributor
Gaige Baldwin
Gaige Baldwin, High School Yearbook Staff
High School Yearbook Staff Class of 2025 Gaige Baldwin is a student at Jupiter Christian School and will graduate in the year 2025. He has lived in Florida for his whole life but this year he moved from Palm Beach Gardens to Jupiter. He has played Varsity Football at Jupiter Christian for three years and the position he plays is slot receiver. Outside of school, he enjoys hanging out with his friends and throwing the football with his dad and brothers. After graduation, he intends on going to college, majoring in business, and getting his real estate license. His favorite travel destination is either Telluride Colorado because he loves to snowboard, or going anywhere on cruises. He has two dogs, one being a schnauzer named Buxley, and the other being a french bulldog named Diesel. He enjoys watching college football and the NFL, and his favorite teams are the New York Giants and the Georgia Bulldogs. Faith is very important in his life and he tries to surround himself with faith-motivated people.
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