JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOl – Evelyn Gephart, an 8th grade student at Jupiter Christian School got Student of the Month in September and has been interviewed about it. She has been going to JCS for two years now after moving here from Indiana. She excels in Bible and English. In her free time she loves to tan, swim, go to the beach, and play volleyball. Some things Evelyn likes about JCS are the teachers and how they really try to grow a relationship with their students and how they all have a relationship with Christ.
She puts much effort into being the best student she can be including doing the best in all her classes, trying to get the best grades she can get, being a leader, and a Christ-like example. She shows a Christ-like example to all the other 8th graders. Evelyn was asked how she felt when she got Student of the Month and she said, “I was happy and excited but I didn’t want to brag about it and all because I was trying to be humble.” This shows Evelyn has an amazing and honorable character.
Evelyn was asked why she thinks she got Student of the Month and she said, “I think I was chosen to be Student of the Month probably because I have good grades, I play sports, I try to be polite, and I try my best to be a leader.” In the future, Evelyn wants to be an entrepreneur and make her own business and be successful. For the school year, Evelyn’s goals are to get straight A’s all quarter which is the principal’s list and to do really well in all her sports.
In conclusion, Evelyn is a very Christ-like student here at JCS. She tries her best every day to get good grades in all her classes and with her sports. She is a great example of the type of student we need here at our school. If you see her in the hallway don’t be too shy to say hello.