JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, October 11, 2023 – School is important for the growth of every student, but taking a break at school to relax, have fun, and grow closer together is very important, which is exactly the point of the High School Retreat.
I interviewed Joe Licata about the 9th-11th grade Retreat, and learned more about how the Retreat went for different people. Before I jump into the details of the day though, I will provide a little background about the High School Retreat. The 9th-11th grade Retreat took place on a half day at the end of the first quarter while seniors were off taking SATs. The purpose of the Retreat was to give students a chance to become closer and as a milestone for completing the first quarter.
Lots of planning from many people went into the High School Retreat, including setting up games for chapel, ordering enough donuts for all the students, and setting up the waterslides on the field. On the students’ side leading up to the Retreat, many students didn’t go because it was the last day of the quarter, but Joe says, “I think everyone who went had a good time.”
The day started off with chapel. Joe says that one of his highlights was winning a chapel game along with his friend Caden Alula, and receiving a giant bag of candy that was immediately divvied up by the football team. After a message and a few other games, the students went out to the courtyard, ate donuts, and then got on the field. Once on the field, students could go on water slides, play slip-n-slide kickball, spikeball, football, or volleyball, or just mess around with friends.
Faculty and students alike had a blast on this half day relaxing and taking a break from lessons, making it a memorable Retreat for everyone. The Retreat was a success! We hope even more students choose to attend next year. They are certain to have a great time!