JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Jupiter Christian School’s mascot has been known as the Eagles for about 30 years. In this article you will hear all about the history of the Jupiter Christian mascot.
Our Jupiter Christian mascot is the Eagles, but it hasn’t always been. A lot of you know that the mascot was once the Helmsmen, but do you know why it was changed? Mrs. Williams said that it was changed because, “People often, even in the newspapers, spelled it wrong.” She also stated that it was changed in either 1992 or 1993. This also shows that our school has been around for quite a long while, especially with this year being our school’s 60th Anniversary.
Next, Mrs. Williams said that the Helsmen represented, “Christ steering our lives and being the Helmsmen of our lives.” Our current mascot, the Eagles represents courage, bravery, and doing the right thing!
Mrs. Williams overall said that she prefers the Eagles because they are powerful and mighty, and mainly because of Isaiah 40:30-32, which says, “Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
I think that Isaiah 40:30-32 is a very important reminder of what our school is supposed to show and what it is all about. Here at Jupiter Christian, it is all about spreading the word, giving life to students, and lighting the fire deep inside them so that they can become great followers of Christ and help lead this generation and the ones to come to Christ.
Overall, the mascot is very important whenever it comes to a school because it shows the character and also the goals of the school!