JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Bees are an amazing species. Pollinating plants and buzzing their wings, you wouldn’t expect them to be a problem, but they are. We are very aware of this issue at JCS because of the huge hive over the Breezeway.
Ever since the bees moved here, they have caused stress and disorder. Mrs. Carley said, “We have had to use other doors after break because they are swarming.” These bees are right over the archway and, at times, can make a massive swarm. Making it so we can’t go inside. Mrs. Carley also said, “They swarm around the trashcans.” These cans are full of sweet substances, which bees love. But these cans are in the same place as where kids eat lunch. This can cause serious health issues.
There are kids at Jupiter Christian who have a bee allergy, which can be dangerous. I asked Mr. Hamilton what would happen if someone with an allergy got stung, and he said, “We will follow protocol, get the clinic involved, and give them the first aid they need.” Even though it is unknown if anyone has been stung by this specific group of bees, we can assume in the future that it will happen. That is why we should remove them.
The bees, according to Ayden J. Smith, have been here since 2020. He said that the bees “Come and go.” Meaning, that if we remove them, they might come back. Mr. Hamilton said, “Were going to call an exterminator” but I fear that removing the bees will not work, and that a new hive will fill its place. This is a big problem for us at JCS, but it is also a problem for the bees.
The bees are just as in danger as we are. Removing the bees may not go peacefully. By that, I mean the bees will not just be removed, but removed from the face of this earth. I think we should call in a relocator so the bees can be safely released elsewhere.
To summarize, there is a beehive above the Breezeway that is disrupting break and lunch. They also pose a serious threat to students with allergies. Calling an exterminator would be the simplest option, but another hive could come to the very same spot. Also, the bees are in serious danger because an exterminator will most likely kill the bees. These beautiful bees pollinate the plants which provide our oxygen. They are an amazing species, and it is a shame that they are causing such a disturbance in our school.