JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Mr. Trageser is one of the many new additions to the Jupiter Christian School faculty. He teaches New Testament Literature to sophomores and is liked by many students. Being one of the Bible teachers, Mr. T. was asked to speak at the weekly high school chapel, and here is what he had to say about chapel itself and his personal experience.
Mr. Trageser says that the best chapel message he has ever heard was from Pastor Bill. Says Trageser, “He had a great description of The Story and the importance of it. The Bible must be read as a story, not missing any parts of it. When the Bible is read as a story, then there is a greater understanding of humanity’s need for our Savior, and the grace and love of Jesus comes into greater light.”
The chapel message that has connected with Mr. T. the most was also from Pastor Bill, and it was also preaching about the importance of a savior for all of humanity, and the need for grace in one’s life.
The message that he believes was the most relevant and important to high school students was from Mr. Wilson, and it was about, “The reality of our works never being good enough to revive a broken life. We need a Savior.” Mr. T., as great and inspiring as he is, does have one regret, and it is that he wishes he would have opened his ears earlier in life. He states, “I heard these messages since I was in kindergarten here at JCS. However, my ears were closed, and I did not think it mattered. I only wish I would Spirit will still use it for good.” have known the peace and joy that comes from being a disciple of Jesus.”
Now to talk about Mr. Trageser’s personal experience teaching his very own JCS Chapel. Mr. T. explained that “Speaking in chapel was a great privilege. I am grateful for the opportunity to speak into the lives of these students. I took it for granted when I was a student here, and I am glad I can come back here and have some redemption.”
Being a teacher, who presents lessons to classes all the time, I wondered if Mr. T. still gets nervous or feels pressured when being asked to present in front of a bigger crowd. His thoughts were, “I am always nervous about speaking God’s word. I hope this is a good thing. It helps me to rely on the Spirit more to work through me.”
Mr. T. says part of his job is working Pastor Bill and formulating chapels. He is required to speak at a few chapels throughout the year. He also states that he helps plan other chapels and that the speaker gets around a month or two of notice to start preparing their message.
Finally, Mr. Trageser says that he was very happy to speak to the JCS High School students and that it went very well, but if it ever doesn’t, “Spirit will still use it for good.”