UNIVERSAL STUDIOS – Universal, arguably the best theme park ever, was able to host this school’s very own Band and Choir!
On February 15, the Jupiter Christian Band and Choir had the opportunity to go to Universal. After months of practice, the Band and Choir prepared background music for The Secret Life of Pets and were even allowed to voice over some of the film’s animals! After completing their music, song, and voice overs, the Fine Arts kids were allowed to tour the park for their enjoyment.
I had the opportunity to experience this trip firsthand with my band mates. After arriving at Universal, we checked in with the staff and went to a sound stage thereafter. We rehearsed certain parts of The Secret Life of Pets’ background music and then played it three times. Our song was recorded and later edited into a short clip of The Secret Life of Pets. Choir, in addition, sang over the soundtrack which was also edited into the clip. Certain people auditioned to voice the pets in the movie and spoke lines which were added to the clip as well.
The students were able to do effects such as mimicking birds flying off by waving pieces of paper slowly then quickly. The final product produced laughter among both the students and parent chaperons that attended.
After completing the task we came to do, we entered the park, and it was as amazing as usual. The first stop was Rip Ride Rocket which featured music in the background and one student may or may not have been screaming his head off. (It was me!) The next rides included Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, the Hulk, and Doctor Doom.
Overall, the Band and Choir students made this year’s Universal trip the most memorable one yet – the ride back home especially (if you know you know.)
So, if you’re looking for an elective that will have people who you can make memories with, Band and Choir would be an amazing fit for you!