Verse of the Week
  • "In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

Original Grinch vs. New Grinch


JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – When it comes to classic holiday tales, few characters are as iconic as the Grinch. I had the pleasure of sitting down with two students, Hannah Webb and Elliott Wilkins, to explore their preferences between the original animated Grinch and the newer animated movie.  

For Hannah, the charm of the original animated Grinch is unbeatable. “There’s something timeless about the old version – the animation style, the music, and narration – it all adds this touch that’s hard to replicate.”  

Elliott agrees with Hannah’s sentiment, firmly saying, “I’m all for the classics. The original Grinch has a warmth of Christmas that just makes it feel like Christmas. It captures the Dr. Seuss’ story very well.” 

Both Hannah and Elliott appreciate the nostalgia and emotional connection tied to the original. However, when asked about the newer animated Grinch movie, they agree that it has its problems. “Sure, the newer one has impressive animation and catchy music,” Elliott admits. “But there’s a certain Christmas feeling missing. It’s alright, but it doesn’t capture the raw charm of the original.” 

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Hannah agrees with Elliott’s statement. “The newer movie tries to add some modern elements, but it doesn’t quite have the same heart. It’s enjoyable, but it doesn’t give that sense of childhood like the original does.”  

Even though there have been advancements in animation technology and the voice cast of the newer Grinch adaptation, both Hannah and Elliott find themselves drawn back to the simplicity and warmth of the 1966 classic. For them, it’s not just about the story; it’s about the feeling it gives them, the memories of watching it during the holidays, the cozy atmosphere it creates, and the great message it gives us.  

In the end, their preference for the original animated Grinch isn’t just about the movie itself; it’s about the emotional connection they have with it. It’s a sentiment shared by many who grew up with the timeless tale of a grumpy green man discovering the true meaning of Christmas.  

As the holiday season rolls around each year, the debate between the two movies may continue, but for Hannah, Elliott, and countless others, the original animated Grinch will always hold a special place in their hearts, reminding them of the joy and magic of the season. 

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Joey Tracy
Class of 2026 Student Journalist
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