Verse of the Week
  • "In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

JCS Spring Band and Choir Concert


NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA – Taking place at First Presbyterian Church on May 7, 2024, this year’s final high school band and choir concert took place closing off the year with a strong finish.

The concert was a massive success featuring songs such as The Great Locomotive Chase, Carnival of Venice, songs from The Greatest Showman and more. Eden Novelus who is a part of the band in the Baritone section, gave his thoughts on the concert and how he performed. Overall, he was very satisfied with how well he played each song and said he did well with tempo and rhythms.

Eden says, “The concert was a major success.” Even though the practice and preparation was challenging, Eden shared that in hard times you have to keep going and only then will you finally see the results. Eden believes the band worked really well together to perform each song and says, We did really good.”

The concert offered a wonderful experience to those who got the opportunity to come and gave the seniors one last chance to play with the band. It showed the hard work of each student that went into learning every song and being able to perform them with the whole band. But looking back at previous concerts throughout this year, Eden shared, “The Christmas concert was the best” even though he was still very satisfied with the recent Spring Concert.

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It is important to keep in mind that all of these wonderful performances have only been made possible through Mrs. Hoffman who worked so hard with everyone to perfect each piece and has drastically helped everyone grow in their musical career. Not only offering musical help, but also helping and giving advice with topics outside of band. Mrs. Hoffman has been so involved with the lives of each band student that there is no wonder why every band member has the passion to keep improving even when things are challenging. Thank you Mrs. Hoffman for your dedication to the  Jupiter Christian School band for the last 10 years!

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About the Contributor
Julian Trzesniowski
Class of 2027 Student Journalist
Julian Trzesniowski is a journalist, a part of the student publications here at JCS. He moved here to the US from Poland 6 years ago and from then has been at work persuing a better education than he could have ever gotten back home. Living in Poland, he experienced the good and the bad of the community, and seeing how people can end up if they choose to go down the wrong path, he became aware of his friends and the ways they could lead him. Moving from Warsaw, Poland was very difficult for Julian, as he knew little to no English and was used to the culture that he was surrounded with in Europe. Seeking to fit into this community, he has been drawn closer to God through the many great teachers and staff at here at JCS. But as years passed, he began to miss what life was like back home, not knowing the reason why this change was for the better of his future. Over time, he saw all the great opportunities he had ahead of him and became grateful for what his parents had done for him. He then became known to this culture and soon grew into the great journalist he is today.
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