JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – The Elementary Help Advisory is full of fun and wonder!
This advisory meets every week under the breezeway at advisory hour and ends at 11:58. In this advisory you will be assigned to an elementary teacher (grades 2-4) that you will meet with every Thursday for the year if you choose to stay in it. From the moment you walk into the classroom to the moment you walk out of the classroom you are filled with loving and caring kids that you will get to build an unforgettable relationship with.
Syria said, “I would recommend this advisory to anyone who loves to work with young and loving kids. So if anyone loves kids this would be perfect for you.” She also mentioned that she loves the kids in her class that she helps out with and anytime they see her they all say hello!
She shared that she helps out with a third grade class and the kids in her class are around the age of eight and nine and her teacher that she helps out is Mrs. Pettet. She said that she loves this advisory and would totally do it again next quarter. She also mentioned what she does in her class, saying, “I help with mostly grading kid’s papers.” When Syria was asked why she chose this she said that she chose this because she loves to work with kids and she thought that this advisory would be a great fit for her. I asked what her favorite memory was and it was sharing her age and seeing how surprised they were to have a “big kid” in their class.
This advisory has only 12 spots to fill so when you get the option to pick an advisory, keep this one in mind.