Verse of the Week
  • "In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

The Student News Site of Jupiter Christian School

The Beak

Holiday Movie Review


JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Here at JCS, the holidays are upon us! There are decorations going up everywhere you look, and people are spreading good cheer. But, one of the best parts of the Christmas season is watching Christmas movies! From sappy to funny, there is a Christmas movie for just about everyone.

Elf is one of the most popular Christmas movies. Lyla Loscalzo put it this way, “I like Elf because I watch it every year and also it is really funny.” I think that this is a fun tradition and that the movie Elf will always hold a special place in her heart. Rowan Kukreja, who also is a fan of Elf, says, “I really like Elf because it’s funny.” Elf is a great Christmas movie and is a holiday classic.

Another popular holiday favorite is The Grinch. Mallory Whittemore, a huge fan of The Grinch, says this, “I love The Grinch because I kind of am a Grinch and I really like the dog in it.” Mallory loves this movie, and will even watch it during the summer! This just goes to show that Christmas movies are amazingly good. Gabbie Arcaro also loves this movie. She put it this way, “I think my favorite is The Grinch because I like the green dude.” The Grinch is another great movie for the whole family!

Other than The Grinch and Elf, there are many other classics including Home Alone and A Charlie Brown Christmas. Bella Davenport says this about Home Alone, ” I really like Home Alone because it is really funny.” Many people agree with this, and it is one of the funniest Christmas movies. Harlowe Colman is a fan of A Charlie Brown Christmas because “Charlie Brown is so cute!” This is a great cartoon for everyone!

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Christmas movies are for sure one of the highlights of the holidays. Everyone has a different opinion on the movies that they watch, but it just goes to show that there is a Christmas movie for everyone!


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About the Contributor
Macy Lipsit
Macy Lipsit, MS Yearbook Staff
MS Yearbook Staff Class of 2029 Macy Lipsit is a student at Jupiter Christian School and is class of 2029. Her close friends call her "Lipstick", which is by far her favorite nickname. She has lived in Florida her entire life, being born in Wellington. She plays softball and volleyball for our school team, and plays the trumpet in our band. Macy loves to ride her bike, go to the beach, go tubing, or anything outside. After graduating, she plans to go to collage, but hasn't figured out what she wants to do yet. Macy loves traveling to Washington to visit her cousins, and Orlando for family trips. She has a dog named Charlie, who is a Havanese puppy. Macy loves baseball, and her favorite teams are the Marlins and the Yankees. She often volunteers helping out at her younger sisters' softball games and practices. Macy's favorite Bible verse is Isaiah 41:10, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." An interesting fact about Macy is that she has been at JCS since 2nd grade!
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