JUPITER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – Third grade teacher, Mrs. Dore oversees the Mini Baking Club. The Mini Baking club is an elementary club for 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders. It’s an extremely popular club among the elementary students. The club usually fills up in minutes.
One of the main reasons it’s so popular is because of the delicious recipes that they get to make and the fact that everything is mini. One of the students’ favorite recipes is monkey bread. The club is 45 minutes long and the kids do everything. There is a cleanup crew every time, and they do the dishes. That is one of the main benefits; they learn to clean up after themselves and be neater when baking. They do all the measuring and mixing all by themselves or with a little bit of assistance.
All the recipes they make are shortbread, pizza, monkey bread, cinnamon rolls, brownies, pie and strawberry shortcake. The shortbread is the very first the students make in the club. Sarah Lipsit says, “My favorite thing we’ve made is pizza.” Lots of people like the pizza because it can be customized and everyone’s pizza looks different. Layla Rendina has been in the baking club since the very first club. She has been doing mini baking club since the beginning of third grade. This is her last year of doing baking club since next year she’ll be in 5th grade and is no longer an elementary school student. Chase said, “I loved making the shortbread cookies. They were easy to make and tasted good.” I would say that that is the case for almost everything they make.
Everyone I asked said that they would recommend joining mini baking club to their friends. Aria Franco said, “I wish we could make mini soft pretzels.” There are always a lot of suggestions for things to bake. Lots of people also said that they want to make ice cream.
Mini baking club is over for this year and will hopefully be back next year.